If there’s one thing I know about job hunting it’s this…
As exciting as it can be, it certainly isn’t any cakewalk!
I remember when I was in my last dream job, I tricked myself into thinking that if I got fired today, that I’d wake up the next day and instantly start taking names.
I indulged myself into thinking that my phone would be ringing 24/7 with incredible job offers. That my week would be an endless barrage of interviews. And that I’d be one of the hottest, in-demand candidates in my city.
Well unfortunately it doesn’t really work like that (at least not for most of us). At least not until we’re seasoned, Career Masters with a slew of powerful jobs under our belts.
So in this post you’re going to learn my top 6 job hunting myths. Myths that, if left unchecked, could have the power to totally disrupt your career strategy, your finances, and your self confidence. No joke.
But with this new awareness you’ll be able to tackle your job hunt with clear-headed focus…which is the KEY to a successful dream job hunt.
Myth #1: “I Need More Qualifications”

I was super bummed that we weren’t allowed to throw our hats at my graduation!
In my opinion this myth is the most dangerous. It has the power to totally annihilate your finances at a time when you should be protecting your money at all costs.
Here’s what it boils down to. A new qualification is NO GUARANTEE of securing a more advanced position. Here’s what employers are REALLY looking for…
- Skills
- A proven track record
- Relevant experience
Sure, in SOME industries more advanced qualifications can lead to better job opportunities.
This is often the case with many finance, legal, and medical professions which legally require you to have certain qualifications in order to perform specific duties. However, in MOST cases going back to school isn’t the “magic ticket” that’s going to suddenly propel you into your dream job.
Now let’s get into Myth #2…
Myth #2: “It’s Not What You Know, It’s Who You Know”

A good meeting and a firm handshake isn’t a guarantee of a job
Yes, networking is important…
Yes, awesome opportunities CAN come from networking alone…
HOWEVER, it’s not 100% conditional on you landing your dream job. I would say that only 20% (if that) of the best career opportunities I’ve been presented with came from within my network.
That’s not many! Granted, the ones that did come from within my network were BIG ones, and they materialised quickly.
So you should DEFINITELY keep your networking strategies in action. However, not having a great professional network is by NO means a dream job dealbreaker.
I got my first dream job through an application site (not a professional connection). However, I’ve gotten tonnes of job interviews and freelance work through networking strategies.
Job application sites are great because they’re full of hot leads. By that I mean it’s filled with businesses raising their hand and saying they are ACTIVELY LOOKING to make a hire.
I use bold and underlined text with good reason. There’s a big difference between an employer who wants to meet you because they’re thinking about potentially, someday, maybe hiring someone for you role…
…and a business that is saying YES we want someone NOW.
The main takeaway here? Dedicate 80% of your job hunt to reaching out to hot leads.
Myth #3: “All The Good Jobs Are Taken”

For every great candidate there’s a great job that awaits them
This is a mindset myth.
And even though we’ve all experienced it – it’s a kind of self pitying thought. It’s a “little old me” sentiment, and the reason it’s so bad is because…
A) It’s not true (businesses are hiring EVERY day)
B) It pushes the blame away from you and onto external forces you can’t control
Becoming a Career Master is all about taking control of your career.
It’s about keeping your hand on the wheel of your career and proactively guiding it’s direction. And even if “all the good jobs are taken”…what are you going to do about it?
You still need a job! So avoid this self-defeating negative talk and get out there! There ARE jobs. There are AWESOME jobs. And there is an awesome company out there who NEEDS you.
Myth #4: “Companies Only Hire Internally”
This is another self defeating myth…
Because if they DID only hire internally then you would be powerless (and your lack of results wouldn’t be your fault, would it?) But like I said before, even IF you’re the victim of career circumstances beyond your control, it’s ALWAYS better to assume responsibility for your situation.
Without sounding too much like a late night infomercial…When you assume responsibility, then you empower yourself to make change. But think about it, if companies only hired internally, then eventually they’d run out of junior staff.
Then who would fetch the coffees and do all the photocopying?!? But seriously, not only is this myth untrue, it just doesn’t make sense.
There’s lots of reasons why companies hire:
- A staff member quits
- A staff member gets fired or retrenched
- They’re a growing company with exceeding client demand
- The company is expanding its products & services
- The company is trying to open entirely new departments
And a lot of times these new hires aren’t to replace a previous staff member…
…But to step into a brand NEW role within the company as they expand. And if that was the case, then they wouldn’t be hiring internally, but externally.
Make sense?
Myth #5: “The Only Way To Get Experience Is On The Job”

I built the Career Mastery Platinum Program because of this myth!
This is a myth I personally feel VERY passionate about. In fact, this myth alone is the very reason WHY I founded the Your Career Mastery community.
Here’s why…
It was this mindset that kept me stuck in my warehouse job of DOOM for several years. Until I finally discovered that I could get my own skills by reverse engineering the process of acquiring them.
But thanks to the internet there’s infinite ways to:
- Acquire the knowledge you need to move forward
- Learn about (and start developing) the skills you need to move forward
- Display proof of your skills & experience in a digital portfolio
It all comes down to you asking yourself what skills YOU need to develop. And being creative in the ways you go about building those skills on your own.
Myth #6: “Eventually The Right Job Will Come My Way”
Here’s the deal…
Sitting back and thinking the right job will passively “come your way” is the career equivalent of thinking you’re going to meet your dream partner as you sit inside your house all day watching TV.
You need to be proactive!
You need to get out there and start networking with influential people in your industry. You need write an awesome resume and use it to apply for as many jobs as possible.
You need to meet with several recruiters (NOTE: It’s important to shop around as they’re definitely not created equal). And when you combine each of these strategies together all at once, they have a compound effect And bring closer and closer to landing that dream job.
Bringing It All Together…
Being aware of these career myths is the first step towards ensuring they NEVER hold you back in your job hunt.
Did any one of these myths hit home to you? I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below 🙂
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Will Vaughan is the Founder & CEO of Your Career Mastery. He’s dedicated to helping young professionals discover and land the job of their dreams using a mix of proven strategies, tips, tools, and mindsets. He currently works as a Content & SEO manager for a 100 million dollar tech company in Melbourne, Australia.