Everyone wants to make more money, bring home more cash every week, every fortnight, every month, every year. But how do we do it? But if you follow these four tips I’m going to talk about in this article, it’ll set you in great stead for getting in that next bonus promotion or next dream job that you’re going for. So let’s get into it!
Tip #1: It’s all ab out becoming more valuable by improving your skills and expertise
My first and best tip for making more money in your job is all about becoming more valuable. Broadly speaking, people get paid in proportion to the complexity of the problems they can solve a company and the value that they can bring a particular company in terms of generating revenue, sales, optimizing processes, and the intellectual capital that they can bring a company in order to move it forward and drive growth.
The question then becomes, how do you become more valuable in your career and to the company that you’re working for? So the good thing is there’s a number of ways that you can do it. You can read books to increase your knowledge. You can take courses to build particular skills and build particular sets of experience in really relevant and specific areas that are related to your job that can help drive you forward in your career and close knowledge gaps that you might have that can unlock growth for you.
But you also need to look at your personal development plan and understand where are the areas that you need to improve and where are the skills that you need to keep developing because your personal development plan should be not just about you developing your skills and experiences, that should be your pathway, your cheat sheet to getting towards your next dream job, your bonus, your promotion, all of that.
So it’s really important you put together a really great and robust personal development plan that’s going to be your roadmap towards becoming more successful in your career by building new skills, new experiences, and really challenging yourself, putting yourself in situations that are going to challenge you to grow, whether it’s building your communication skills, your leadership skills, your presentation skills, your analytical skills, whatever it is.
Putting yourself in situations that are going to test you, they’re going to grow you coming out the other side of those challenges, you are going to be a much more valuable employee to the company and also a much more attractive candidate to all the companies that you go to interview with subsequently.
So my first tip, and really my number one tip for making more money in your job is all about becoming more valuable. If you’re always focused on how can I deliver more value? How can I become more, how can I do more, contribute more to this company? The money will follow.
Tip #2: Determine your pathway towards receiving a promotion or bonus
Tip number two is all about determining a pathway to your next promotion or your bonus and making sure that you ask for more money.
So it’s really important that we have candid conversations with our line managers, with our directors, whoever we report to and say, Hey, look, I really would love to make more money. I’m really gunning for this promotion or this bonus. Can you work with me to create a pathway? Show me what I need to do. What do I need to hit? What are my KPIs that if I nail these, it’ll set me in great stead for getting that bonus or that promotion or that next job that I’m going for? And if your manager’s a good person, which they should be, they support you on your development journey, then they will show you exactly what you need to do to unlock that next step in your career where more cash should follow.
But the most important part here is to ask for more money. Many of us don’t want to have this conversation with our line managers because it’s kind of a sensitive topic, right? Talking about money, asking for more money. But if you’ve worked hard, if you’ve put in the work and you’ve delivered results, you are more than within your rights to ask for more money from the company that you’re working for.
If you are delivering value for them, they should be rewarding you. So tip number two is all about determining that pathway to your next promotion and asking for more money once you hit those KPIs and really nail it.
Tip #3: Check-in with your manager throughout the year
Tip number three is a flow on from the previous point around determining that pathway, which is once you’ve determined that pathway to your next bonus or promotion, check in throughout the year with your line manager.
So it’s very easy at the start of the year to set up your development plan or your pathway to your next role or your promotion or your bonus and then just completely forget about it. And then all of a sudden, 12 months has passed and you’ve kind of veered off track from where you set up the main goals at the start of the year. And as there a consequence of that, you don’t actually hit your KPIs.
So it’s so important once you’ve got your development plan in place, you understand your criteria and your KPIs. Have regular check-ins with your line manager or whoever, the person that’s going to be determining your next salary review or your bonus review and check in throughout the year, how are we tracking what’s working well? What’s not working well? How can we bring things back on course? Because that will go, again, a long way in making sure that you actually hit your goals for the year and unlock that bonus or that promotion that you’re really gunning for.
Tip #4: Nail your job and smash your KPI’s and key projects out of the park
Tip number four, forgetting and making more money in your role is nail your job at the company you work for. You are paid to do a job and to do it very well. No one is going to give you more money or a bonus or a promotion if you’re not good at your job and you can’t nail the basics.
Good companies want to retain the best talent, which is why it is critical. Before you can ever go to the company and ask more money, you need to nail your job out of the park, you need to smash it. And people need to know that you are someone who’s going places, who takes their development seriously, who takes their work seriously and hits their targets and exceeds their targets. If you can demonstrate to the company that you are someone that’s going to bring long-term value to the company you’re invested in delivering growth, they will in turn invest in you.
So if we boil it down to the basics, if you want to make more money in your job, which is completely possible through bonuses, promotions, pay rises, all of that good stuff, you need to become more valuable. You need to improve your skills, get more experiences, take on more challenges, increase your knowledge, increase your personal network, all these things add up to a big picture of making a you more valuable and attractive candidate in the market. And in turn, the money will flow in relation to the value that you bring to the company, but you need
To for it so critical and very overlooked to bring value, but to not ask more money. No one’s going to give you money for free just because you’re a good guy. Oh girl, you need to make a case about why you deserve more cash. Bring it to them and make sure you ask it in a compelling way.

Will Vaughan is the Founder & CEO of Your Career Mastery. He’s dedicated to helping young professionals discover and land the job of their dreams using a mix of proven strategies, tips, tools, and mindsets. He currently works as a Content & SEO manager for a 100 million dollar tech company in Melbourne, Australia.