If you’re looking to get a pay rise or a promotion, I’ve got three tips that can absolutely help you achieve that. I’ve got three tips from my professional experience that can help you get there.
#1: Build a clear development plan and set of KPI’s
Alright, so tip number one is about getting clear on your development plan and your exact KPIs that you need to hit to be successful in your role. So if you don’t have clear KPIs or a clear development plan, you essentially have no defined roadmap towards getting a promotion or a bonus or a pay rise in your role.
You need to have a really clear roadmap for you laid out in agreement with your line manager that says, alright, cool. If you tick all these boxes, bang, you hit all your KPIs and you meet these development criteria, you’ll be lined up for a promotion or a pay rise or a bonus at the end of the year when the performance review comes around.
So the first thing you need to do is get really clear and have a candid conversation with your line manager about what your KPIs are, what your development plan is, make sure you all agree on those terms, that they’re very measurable and very tangible. And then the next part is, once that’s all defined, is make sure you actually hit them. Make sure you actually grow in your development plan. Put yourself into new opportunities to build your skills and build your experiences.
And also make sure you hit your KPIs. So smash your projects out of the park, deliver great results for the business, and then you make an irrefutable case at the end of the year as to why you are eligible for a promotion and a pay rise. And I also just want to say, never accept your salary for what it is today.
Over the course of you working, you’ll develop more skills, you’ll become more valuable to the business, and you’ll have new experiences that will make you a more impactful employee for the company. And as your value to the business grows, so too should your pay reflect that. So that’s also something to keep in mind. If you feel a bit nervous asking for more money. If you are growing and you are delivering results, then it’s within your rights to ask for more money.
#2: Keep a live list of all your achievements throughout the year
Tip number two is throughout the year, again, because we’re trying to build a case about why you deserve this promotion and this pay rise throughout the year, you want to make a list all your great achievements so that you can bank them and show them to your line manager as you have quarterly checkups and show them that you are delivering on your achievements.
You are delivering on the goals you set up at the start of the year, you’re knocking them out of the park. And when you build that case, you can stack all these great achievements together, put it together in a deck, talk it through with your line manager and make that great case about why you should get a promotion or a pay rise.
But it’s really easy at the end of the year to forget about all the great achievements that you’ve made, even if they’re bigger or smaller, make the list of them throughout the year so that when you get to that performance review, you’ve got it all banked and ready to go.
#3: Have regular check-ins with your line manager
And tip number three, it’s all about having regular candid conversations with your line manager throughout the year. So you never just want to set up all your goals and your development plan at the start of the year
And then not talk about it at all, completely forget about it until your review comes up 12 months later. No, you definitely want to have regular check-ins to see how you’re tracking with your KPIs, how you’re tracking with your personal development so that when your performance review comes around, there’s no nasty or sneaky surprises laying in there.
You’ve had regular check-ins throughout the year to make sure you’re on track. The priorities that you set up at the start of the year are still the main priorities. And if certain areas have moved off track, how can you bring ’em on track and realign the priorities so that you and your line manager are on the same page when it comes to what you need to do to hit your goals, to get that promotion, to get that bonus, to get that pay rise.
So that’s it. That’s my three tips for getting a bonus promotion or pay rise when your performance review comes around at the end of the year. I hope you smash it out of the park!

Will Vaughan is the Founder & CEO of Your Career Mastery. He’s dedicated to helping young professionals discover and land the job of their dreams using a mix of proven strategies, tips, tools, and mindsets. He currently works as a Content & SEO manager for a 100 million dollar tech company in Melbourne, Australia.